Posts in Donation
Thank you Bank of Marin for Supporting LITA!

LITA’s volunteers would not still be spreading warmth and friendship in Marin if not for our long time community supporters like the Bank of Marin. LITA is grateful for receiving a Community Support grant from the Bank. Thank you!

Celebration of Volunteers!

A great time was had by all on Saturday Jan 26th. Volunteers, staff and other community members enjoyed hearing stories of friendships and connections. AlmaVia was a wonderful host, providing a beautiful space and delicious sweet treats. Other facilities who have LITA volunteers also showed their appreciation for the volunteers’ time and energy with generous gift baskets that were raffled off.

Ways to donate holiday gifts now

Holiday Gifts Time!

It’s that time of year, when LITA collects new items for low-income residents of nursing home facilities. If you would like to donate an item, check out the Amazon gift list or the giving trees at the Bank of Marin branches on Grant Ave in Novato or Redwood Highway in San Rafael

DonationBarbara Brown
Party à la Heart was a great success!

THANK YOU to all the wonderful supporters who attended, and to those of you who could not but sent well wishes and support! There were fun, local business items auctioned and raffled off and we were wowed by the mellifluous voice of Noah Griffin and Ross Gualco’s stylish handling of the keyboard as they shared Cole Porter classics. And of course we raised much needed funds to ensure staff continues to connect our community, young and old, with older adults who are confined to long term care facilities. Thank you!

We received a Parks Grant!

LITA was awarded a SPROUTS grant from the Marin County Parks department to explore having Bridging Generations' sessions in one of our wonderful county parks. It is a great way to encourage even more connection and shared experiences between the students and residents.