Donate to the Mae Wygant Legacy Fund to ensure lita’s longevity

Named after LITA's founder, The Mae Wygant Legacy Fund is supported by donors who are committed to maintaining the mission and future of LITA's programs with gifts, planned and one-time, to the Legacy Fund.

By including LITA in your legacy giving now, you help ensure that our exceptional programs continue for years to come, and your survivors will witness your compassion in action today.

There are several ways to support the Legacy Fund. Speak with your financial advisor about their positive tax implications:

  • Making a bequest to LITA through your Will

  • Naming LITA as a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy

  • Naming LITA as a beneficiary of a Trust

  • Making a donation at any time and designating it for the Fund

LITA can also receive Donor Advised Funds

Help ensure LITA’s future with a donation today!

Mae Wygant, LITA Founder

Mae Wygant, LITA Founder